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Megivern Therapy - Group of people dancing

Resources Outside of Megivern Therapy

Resources: Welcome

“if you tried
and didn’t end up
where you wanted to go
that’s still progress”

Rupi Kaur

Resources: Quote

Worksheets, Treatment guides, Interactive tools

This website has a wealth of worksheets, guides, and activities for a variety of concerns

Diversify your Instagram Feed

"We are not born fatphobic, but rapidly learn fatphobia through culture. We are also not born racist but quickly become so because it's what our society is founded on. We learn ableism, sexism, ageism, and other harmful biases. But because they are learned, it means we can also un-learn them."
Here's a list of amazing humans to follow to help unlearn!

Mental Health Apps and Websites

Here's a great(ist) list of apps and resources for mental health

Free Mandala Coloring Pages

Coloring can be surprisingly soothing and anxiety reducing. Here's a place to start!

Unofficial HAES beginner's guide

Health at Every Size (HAES) beginners guide, with loads of links

Body Positive Playlist

Fun playlist

Resources: List
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